Monday, December 12, 2011

The Skyrocketting Disorder

And the blogging begins....

I decided to research more upon media and eating disorders. Eating disorders have taken a huge toll on the world in this day of age. Many females and also males have or have had this disorder. The influx of diseases and disorders of all sorts have arisen since 2009. Many people with this disorder feel that they are looked down upon and they feel that their family and friends will not want anything to do with them. Nobody is really sure why but many say it could be because of stress or in this case, celebrity bodies or even barbie dolls...


Over the course of the semester we have wrote many papers and all sorts of varieties of papers. Whether it was a metatext, autobiography, annotated bibliography and many more, they were all very interesting to write. The papers that were reflected upon a story or movie were also interesting. All of our papers have developed my reading and writing skills and will help me throughout the rest of my college career. Starting at the beginning of the semester, my first semester ever in college, I was extremely nervous. I was nervous that I wasn’t going to have a nice teacher, nice classmates, and just nervous about the work that was going to be given. Thank god that I have had a nice teacher and nice classmates. 
Throughout high school, my grades in English weren’t so phenomenal. Everyone always used to tell me that I have good writing but it needs just some organization. I was pretty much failing English in high school which was a bad thing especially if I was going to college. In college, I have been taught to organize my papers in a specific way to make each paper sound more studious. This will help me along the way of my college life especially getting the A that I want and need! Being able to write and read about what I like and want is privilege that is helpful to me. Reading and writing about something that I am not interested in seems to be more complicated for me and I’m sure that is the same for many people also.
The major I am studying in is Early Childhood Education. The reading and writing skills that I am learning will have to be taught one day to children and I hope that can be my responsibility one day. In the future I really hope to be successful with writing and for people to be amazed when they read something with my name on it.

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