Sunday, December 11, 2011

Let's change it up a little!

The movie cover to "The Social Network"
The remix assignment is an alternative form of one of my pieces of writing. The one i decided to switch up a little bit was my Film Response which was a response to the movie The Social Network. The movie shows a lot of different sequences. Some examples are cyberbullying, how women are portrayed in society, college parties and a lot more. The movie is filled with excitement and also a lot of details that involve Social Networking like the most popular website Facebook! :-)

People don’t realize how good things are for them nowadays. People in society today have the most opportunistic life and don’t realize how easy it is for us then it was back in the late 1800’s when there was no telephone. People often are taking advantage of many things such as computers, cell phones and even their own family members. Facebook, a social network, is a gold mine website that many people wouldn’t be able to live without for 24 hours. 
The Social Network has had many different types of outlooks and problematic situations throughout the course of the film. The main idea of the film, the social network, is how unbelievably high-tech technology has become. Because of the new gadgets and gizmos, technology has put a different aspect on people’s lives. Technology has become extremely high tech it is incredible what computers and electronics can do. Technology can and has changed many people’s lives in many different ways. 

In the movie, they portray women to be a complete different person than what they are in reality. In the early scenes at Harvard University and the later scenes in California, women are there for just sexual pleasure and little else. They strip at parties and go home with strangers; they reward “nerds” for their creativity with sex in the bathroom; they get drunk and high and play video games very badly. And that’s about it. Also in the film, women aren’t allowed to work in the technology or the business part of Facebook. The female intern at the company is there to just show off her body in her short skirt, and then gets arrested for doing drugs. Not that there aren’t women in society that are like this, but the movie the social network is supposed to be about the invention of Facebook and to be a drama- based film.
Cyber bullying is also a gigantic conflict today. Many kids talk over Facebook about things that shouldn’t be being discussed on the website. Mark Zucherberg goes home one night from a party, has a beer and starts blogging about girls from B.U. He starts several different types of problems within a community that cannot be deleted no matter what. People don’t know how (tone) you are talking to them over a computer because you can’t understand how they are saying it. Cyber bullying could hurt someone’s feelings and also start problems with friends or family. An article written by Jennifer Holliday that I read about cyber bullying is actually a very sad one. A girl phoebe was from South Hadley High school in Massachusetts. She was using form spring, a website where people can talk anonymously about a person and ask you questions or make comments.  Phoebe was being called inappropriate names such as “whore” and “bitch” and she was getting very tired of it. She didn’t tell her parents or anything because she thought that they would get mad at her for even being on form spring. Phoebe left her form spring up because she thought people would make fun of her even more if they found out she deleted it. Furthermore, Phoebe ends up committing suicide because of her classmates’ comments that were posted on form spring.  The computer disguises oneself such as people being behind a computer and not face to face. Technically, you really never know who you’re talking to. There are both Private and Public identities. People may appear to be something they are not on the internet.
Facebook is a website that causes so much drama. I have personally had many arguments over Facebook that could’ve been avoided. The arguments will be over something stupid and pointless.  Many teens find it necessary to posts and make statuses about one another and fight over Facebook instead of talking it out face to face which is the mature way to handle things. People also sometimes assume posts are about them and immediately start arguing, when in reality a lot of the time it has nothing to do with them.
Facebook starts many problems within a family and with friendships. I have lost friends and gotten into a lot of trouble because of things written on Facebook or what my mom has seen on Facebook like drinking.  I have learned from experience and actually have deleted my Facebook account because of all the drama I didn’t want to deal with anymore. Granted, Facebook is a tool that meant to connect our society, but at times it can do the opposite.



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