Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why I write..

A picture of my dad and I who has, and always will inspire me to continue to follow my dreams.
Waking up at 5:30 a.m. every morning is a struggle but it was my choice to take such early classes. Between work, school and social life, waking up so early can be almost impossible for others. Working till 10-12 p.m. almost every night and waking up at 5:30, Monday through Thursday is very hard but also possible. Taking such early classes has been my motivation throughout the semester. (which is hard to believe) This may not seem very true but if i decided to take such early classes then why not show up and strive to do my best. Thinking about why I am going to college is so that i can own my own pre-school one day. That has also been my motivation because that is my number one career goal and I have been wanting to open it since seventh grade! The song that follows along with my blog is a song that i always hear in the back of my head. Lose yourself- By Eminem. It's a song that I always think about when I need a little bit of motivation. So then, the reason I write is simple; because if I didn't write, I would be one step back to my career goal. So, please, take a look and enjoy my blog as much as I did building it!

Literacy Remix!


Research Remix

Through the years

 Growing up learning how to read and write was always a struggle for me. Just learning how to read was always a struggle for my sisters and I. We always told my parents that we wanted to be teachers and be very good script writers, is what my mom told me. Through the years, many things have impacted the way the I have developed, not just as a person but also the way I read and write. Without my English teachers along the way, I would have never learned how to write. My high school years of English i was practically failing their classes. I had no idea why. My first year of college was even more of an anxiety attack because knowing how bad I thought I was in English scared me to know what was going to hit me in college. Being able to have an English teacher for freshman composition that told you exactly what to do with your writing and not just put a letter grade on the paper and hand it back was absolutely amazing. It helped me so much and has helped most likely the majority of the class. So just a way of saying thanks!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Skyrocketting Disorder

And the blogging begins....

I decided to research more upon media and eating disorders. Eating disorders have taken a huge toll on the world in this day of age. Many females and also males have or have had this disorder. The influx of diseases and disorders of all sorts have arisen since 2009. Many people with this disorder feel that they are looked down upon and they feel that their family and friends will not want anything to do with them. Nobody is really sure why but many say it could be because of stress or in this case, celebrity bodies or even barbie dolls...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Let's change it up a little!

The movie cover to "The Social Network"
The remix assignment is an alternative form of one of my pieces of writing. The one i decided to switch up a little bit was my Film Response which was a response to the movie The Social Network. The movie shows a lot of different sequences. Some examples are cyberbullying, how women are portrayed in society, college parties and a lot more. The movie is filled with excitement and also a lot of details that involve Social Networking like the most popular website Facebook! :-)

Cultural Artifact

Each person may or may not have something that they value or emphasize. During the semester, each person decided on what they valued most in society or their culture. My cultural artifact I decided to write about and tell my class about was the Cell phone. It has always been something that I used and liked especially with all this new technology and new cell phones coming out almost every other day!